Try not to wear shoes inside the house. Last thing you want to do is bring outside dirt and bacteria inside your house. Keep separate pair to wear inside house. If this is not an option keep good quality mat at the door and make sure to wipe your feet properly.
Very important thing to keep your Carpet Cleaning is to vacuum it regularly. You should do this task at least twice a week if it is not possible every day. This will help keep dirt and dust off your carpet.
If possible try to rotate your furniture in a room so you don't create a wear pattern on carpet in certain area same thing apply to other things like mattress, couch cushions etc.
Next, you need to remove spots and stains once in a while. You will inevitably have to deal with stains on your carpet if you are living in your house like normal people do. Find the right spot removal product for your carpet type so that your carpet will not be ruined by the chemicals. Read the label well and follow the manufacturer's instructions otherwise you will make it worst. While treating stain never scrub it try to blot it as much as you can with paper towel. Start from the outside of the stains and work your way in. If not sure always ask for professional help.
Although vacuum cleaning can remove a majority of the dry soil, it is also necessary to clean our carpet professionally on a frequent basis to remove the oily, sticky soil that builds up in the pile as a result of odors and dirt that is tracked in from outside.
Make sure that you also hire professional Carpet Cleaner in order to give your carpet another lease in life. The carpet can look and smell brand new when properly clean and maintained by the professional cleaners.Carpet Cleaning done by professionals is recommended every six months or so. You will not be dismayed with the service that you will receive for your carpets.